ヒバリ 震災義援音楽配信プロジェクト
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sky folding over
スカイ フォールディング オーヴァー


sky folding over was written for Hibari aid project. The performers create their own route through each of the nineteen sections in order to organize and augment the written material, and also create a spontaneous dialogue between the two instruments. The title comes from a lyric by Bob Dylan, and the listener may observe a few oblique quotes from Dylan's melody in the flute part.

間部令子/Reiko Manabe (flute)
大須賀かおり/Kaori Ohsuga (piano)


Kris Tiner
クリス タイナー

カリフォルニア州拠点とする作曲・即興をするトランペット奏者。ワールドミュージックの伝統的な即興と、システムに基づいた作曲法を結びつけ、自ら慣れ親しんだジャズと現代音楽・実験音楽からの様々な流れを汲み作曲を行う。これまでに五大陸で演奏され、40を超える数の録音は国際的なジャズ関連のプレスで取り上げられた。... www.kristiner.com

Kris Tiner is a California-based trumpet player, composer, and improviser. Tiner's compositions explore connections between improvisational world music traditions and systemic compositional practices, blending deep jazz roots with references to many diverse streams of contemporary and experimental music. His music has been performed on five continents, his 40+ recordings have been enthusiastically reviewed in the international jazz press, and he has been recognized with awards from ASCAP, the American Composers Forum, Chamber Music America, the International Association for Jazz Education, Montalvo Arts Center, and the John F. Kennedy Center. He is a member of the acclaimed Empty Cage Quartet, and he collaborates with ]Mike Baggetta in the duo Tin/Bag. ... website: www.kristiner.com

For more detailed note/bio, please go to http://hibari-charity.tumblr.com


Butterflies dance intertwined to shadow, to sunny side


The title comes from a phrase by Santoka Taneda. Like two butterflies, the piano and the violin have free, bold and playful parts which interrupt each other. Half of the piece includes improvisational (though not 100% free improvisational) moments.

三瀬俊吾/Shungo Mise (violin)
大須賀かおり/Kaori Ohsuga (piano)


木ノ脇 道元
Dogen Kinowaki

フルートを武田又彦、金昌国、細川順三の各氏に師事。現代音楽の演奏からキャリアをスタートし、リサイタルなどの実績から出光音楽賞受賞。最近では作り手の領域に触手を伸ばし、ジパング・プロダクツよりCD「blower」「不在の花」Cockroach eater名義で「Perfect World」をリリ-ス。Cockroach eater共同プロデューサー、アンサンブルノマド創立メンバー、東京芸術大学非常勤講師。

After studying flute with Matahiko Takeda, Chang-kook Kim and Junzoh Hosokawa, Dogen Kinowaki began his career as a contemporary music performer. He was awarded the Idemitsu Music Award. Now he writes music and Zipangu has released his CDs such as "blower", "fuzai-no-hana" and "Perfect World" (under the name, Cockroach Eater). He is a co-producer of Cockroach Eater and co-founder of Ensemble Nomad. Dogen Kinowaki is currently a part-time lecturer at Tokyo University of the Arts.

For more detailed note/bio, please go to http://hibari-charity.tumblr.com