ヒバリ 震災義援音楽配信プロジェクト
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Annette offrant un bouquet de fleurs

一連の作品のひとつ。タイトルはジャコメッティが妻アネットを題材に制作した作品から取られた。本作品は3作目にあたり1956年の「花束を贈るアネット」よりとられてた。来年は「アネット IV」(アイブス・アンサンブル初演予定)を発表予定。

There are 4 works. The titles of my works refer to portrait studies G. made of his wife Annette. 'Annette dans l'atelier' is a painting from 1961. (premiere Ensemble Alpha, 2002) 'Annette [1954] ' is a drawing from 1954. (premiere Ives ensemble, 2010) 'Annette offrant un bouquet de fleurs' is a drawing from 1956. (premiere Trio <mmm...>, 2012) 'Annette IV' is a sculpture from 1962. (premiere Ives ensemble, 2013)

間部令子/Reiko Manabe (alto flute)
三瀬俊吾/Shungo Mise (violin)
大須賀かおり/Kaori Ohsuga (piano)


Piet-Jan van Rossum

1966年オランダのデルフトに生まれる●1985~90年ルイ・アンドリーセン、Jan Boerman、Dick Raaymakersに師事●1990~93年Klaas de VriesとPeter-Jan Wagemansに師事●2012年シアター音楽発表●2010年ノヴェンバー・ミュージック招聘 ●2008年シアター音楽発表・スウェーデン電子音楽スタジオ・アルファにてレジデンス・BUMAにて作品が年間ベスト作品賞にノミネート...

Piet-Jan van Rossum (1966, Delft, The Netherlands) ●1985-1990 – music composition studies with Louis Andriessen, Jan Boerman and Dick Raaymakers. ●1990-1993 – music composition studies with Klaas de Vries and Peter-Jan Wagemans.●2013 - 2 complete programs, one around the Giacometti cycle he made, one in the World Minimal Music Festival.●2012 – theatre production 'achterna gedragen'●2010 - composer in focus at November Music ●2008 – theatre-production 'Notes of a Mammal' ●2008 – Composer in residence at the electronic studio Alpha at Visby, Sweden ●2008 – BUMA-nominated his work "Attendre longtemps, je suis sans identité.." as one of the 10 best works of 2008 ...

For more detailed note/bio, please go to http://hibari-charity.tumblr.com


Song of "imawa"


The word imawa in the title of this piece indicates that now is the end, meaning the end of life. I leaned this term from Kokontei Shincho's Hankonko, and I found it very beautiful. By thinking about the divide between this world and the next, I tried to create music to express this particular space.

三瀬俊吾/Shungo Mise (violin)
大須賀かおり/Kaori Ohsuga (piano)


Yu Kuwabara

1984年生まれ。2007年東京藝術大学音楽学部作曲科、2009年同大学大学院修了。 第74、75、78回日本音楽コンクール作曲部門入選。2009年度トーキョーワンダーサイト国内クリエーター制作交流プログラムに選抜。2011年、同世代の演奏家と共にクリエイショングループ 《淡座》を立ち上げ、旗揚げ公演を開催。現在、桐朋学園大学非常勤講師。http://3shimai.com/yu/

Born in 1984, Yu Kuwabara graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts in 2007. In 2009 she gained a masters degree in composition from Tokyo Universtiy of the Arts. She was a finalist at the 74th, 75th and 78th Music Competitions of Japan. In 2009 she was in residence as part of the Tokyo Wonder Site National Creator Program. She is a co-founder the performance group, Awai-Za with performers from her generation. In 2011 Novermber they had their first performances. Yu Kuwabara is currently a part-time lecturer at Toho Gakuen School of Music.

For more detailed note/bio, please go to http://hibari-charity.tumblr.com