ヒバリ 震災義援音楽配信プロジェクト
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Easter Egg

Easter Eggは新しい命の象徴であり、復活されたイエス様をお祝いし、喜びを分かち合い皆が食する大切なものです。被災された人々の復興を願う私たちが、Easter Egg"の素晴らしい力とともに、新しい未来を予感できるような世界をお届けします。...

Easter eggs are symbols of new life. Easter is an important holiday when people eat Easter eggs to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Hoping for the recovery of those people who live in Tohoku, we bring a new bright future with the wonderful power of Easter eggs. ...

間部令子/Reiko Manabe (flute)
大須賀かおり/Kaori Ohsuga (piano)


Harue Kunieda

東京生まれ '83年東京藝術大学大学院修了。池内友次郎、野田暉行各氏に師事。'82年ヴィオッティ国際音楽コンクール作曲部門特別賞。作品はISCM-ACL香港、オーストラリア、イスラエル大会、タングルウッド現代音楽祭、ISCM-WMDルクセンブルク、スウェーデン等で演奏されている。'03年文化庁特別派遣在外研修員。日本現代音楽協会、21世紀音楽の会会員、熊本大学教授。http://www.harue-kunieda.com

Born in Tokyo, she entered the Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music and majored in composition, graduating in 1983. Her works have been performed at ISCM-ACL in Hong Kong, Australia and Israel, at Tanglewood Contemporary Music Festival, ISCM World Music Days in Luxemburg, Sweden and others. In 2003, she was an artist of the Japanese Government Overseas Study Program in London. She is a professor at the Faculty of Education, Kumamoto University and a member of the Japan Society for Contemporary Music and the 21Century Composer's Association.

For more detailed note/bio, please go to http://hibari-charity.tumblr.com


Dover Hydraulic
ドーバー ハイドローリック


Dover Hydraulic was composed in 2012 for the Hibari Project. The bell sound on the elevator fascinates me. For me, the bell sound is an indication that my journey (a transition) is over and I move into a new place (into a new state). The title of the piece, Dover Hydraulic, was named after a type of elevator.

三瀬俊吾/Shungo Mise (violin)
大須賀かおり/Kaori Ohsuga (piano)


Sungji Hong
スンジ ホン


Sungji Hong graduated from Hanyang University in Seoul (BA), the Royal Academy of Music in London (MMus) and the University of York (PhD). Her creative output includes works ranging from solo instruments to full orchestra, as well as choral, ballet and electroacoustic music. Her music has been performed at international festivals and in major concert series by leading ensembles and orchestras in over 42 countries and 140 cities. Her music has been widely broadcast in more than 17 countries (35 channels) around the world and has been recorded and released on the Soundbrush, Atoll, Dutton label, by ECM Records and others.www.sungjihong.com

For more detailed note/bio, please go to http://hibari-charity.tumblr.com