ヒバリ 震災義援音楽配信プロジェクト
Adobe Flash Player を取得




I have always been melancholic on long journeys. Traveling on a bus or train through the mountains of British Columbia I would stare out the window in quiet contemplation as the landscape rolls past me. It's always been a time of reflection as I evaluate where I am in my life - and I always hear music. ...


ジョーダン ノブルス
Jordan Nobles

カナダにおける最も洗練され多忙な作曲家の1人。シアトルのポリフォノス国際合唱曲作曲コンクールで優勝。また、オーケストラ作品はリスボン国際音楽評議会や、ISCMフェスティバル (フロリダ州マイアミ) にて演奏された。カナダ国内のみならず世界各地から委嘱を受ける。ウェブサイト→ www.jordannobles.com

Jordan Nobles has emerged as one of Canada's finest and busiest composers. Jordan was recently named the International Winner of Seattle's Polyphonos Choir Composition Competition. His string orchestra work was chosen to be presented at the International Rostrum of Composers in Lisbon and the ISCM Festival in Miami, Florida. He continues to receive many National and International performances and commissions. www.jordannobles.com

For more detailed note/bio, please go to http://hibari-charity.tumblr.com




First of all, I would like to express my heartfelt sympathy to the victims of the disaster and appreciation at being invited to participate in this project, hibari. I had been thinking for a while about how I, as a composer, could help, and then I finally got the opportunity. ...


田頭 優子
Yuko Tagashira


Having first studied on the composition course at Nagoya College of Music, Yuko Tagashira graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts with bachelor and masters degrees. She has been successful in composition competitions such as the Japan Symphony Foundation Encouragement Prize, the encouragement prize for the performing arts created by the Agency for Cultural Affairs, and she was a finalist at the Music Competition of Japan composition division and the Akutagawa Composition Prize. Tagashira is active in writing music-narration theatrical music. She is currently a professor at Nagoya College of Music. Her website is http://www.tagashirayuko.com

For more detailed note/bio, please go to http://hibari-charity.tumblr.com