ヒバリ 震災義援音楽配信プロジェクト
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<<Playing around in space...>> 3. Sarabande

4つの楽章による組曲から、hibariに3楽章を寄せた。 冒頭と最後のフレーズは、Martha Grahamの自叙伝からの抜粋。大震災へのオマージュとして、ゆったりと時間が流れるサラバンドの厳かなリズム・シーケンスに、私なりの心からの祈りを捧げます。

This piece is the 3rd movement from a suite which I wrote in 2007. I excerpted this movement for the hibari project .The phrase appearing at the beginning and the end of the 3rd movement is inspired by contemporary dance pioneer Martha Graham's autobiography, Classics on Dance. For this great earthquake, I pray with this slow Sarabande's stately rhythm sequence.


Mari Kamimoto

東京藝術大学・大学院修士課程を首席修了。パリ国立高等音楽院に留学。在仏中、Cité de la musique, Centre Acanthe, Royaumont等で作品が演奏される。これまで、東京フィルハーモニー交響楽団、Ensemble InterContemporainなどにより、作品が演奏されている。2011年、いずみシンフォニエッタ大阪による委嘱作品が初演される。現在、国立音楽大学及び桐朋学園大学非常勤講師。

Born in Kobe, Mari Kamimoto obtained master’s and bachelor degrees from Tokyo University of the Arts. From 2002-07 she studied composition, music analysis and orchestration at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique de Paris. During her French residency her works were performed at various venues including Cité de la musique, Centre Acanthe and Royaumont. Her works also have been played by internationally renowned artists such as the Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra and Ensemble InterContemporain. In 2011 Izumi Sinfonietta Osaka premiered her orchestra work. She is currently a lecturer at Kunitachi College of Music and Toho Gakuen School of Music.

For more detailed note/bio, please go to http://hibari-charity.tumblr.com


Ascent:Two Perspectives

二楽章編成。”コンケーブ アンド サムフォアット ブラウニアン(=凹んだ、ややブラウン運動)”と、”コンヴェックス.ヴァリエーションズ(=凸状の変奏)”が、それぞれシンプルな観念アセント(上昇)に異なるアプローチを取っている。

Ascent: Two Perspectives is a two-movement work. Each takes a different approach to a simple idea: ascent. The first Concave and somewhat Brownian ascends slowly in the beginning and more rapidly as it unfolds. The second movement Convex. Variations is build from a single ascending figure but this one ascends quickly in the beginning and slowly in the end. This figure is repeated 12 times.


ピーター アイヴァン エドワーズ
Peter Ivan Edwards


Peter Ivan Edwards was born in New York in 1973. Edwards studied composition at Northwestern University; the University of California, San Diego; and the Folkwang Hochschule Essen. His principal composition instructors are Chaya Czernowin and Nicolaus A. Huber. Currently, Edwards is an Associate Professor at the Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music in Singapore, where he teaches music composition and music theory. His recent debut CD Object Lessons is available on Albany Records. His work Knapp, written for British trumpeter Stephen Altoft, can be heard on the recently released CD The Yasser Collection from Microtonal Projects.

For more detailed note/bio, please go to http://hibari-charity.tumblr.com