ヒバリ 震災義援音楽配信プロジェクト
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《波はささやき1》entrance op.59-1
《Ecco mormorar l'onde 1》entrance op.59-1


The title of the piece is taken from Monteverdi's fascinating madrigal. My intention is to make a series of works. This piece is going to be the first of that projected series, so its subtitle is entrance... It's just the drawing with dolce kind of timbre. Still, I hope it has a structure.


南 聡
Satoshi Minami

東京藝術大学大学院修士修了。現在北海道教育大学岩見沢校に勤務。作品集CDとして《ジグザグバッハ》と《鏡遊戯》がある。主要作に、独奏ハープ&管弦楽《譬えれば…の注解》、 管弦楽《彩色計画Ⅴ》、 室内アンサンブル《日本製ロッシニョール》、 2台ピアノ協奏曲《異議申し立て》、 2面の20弦筝曲《昼Ⅵ》(断章)、《鳥籠の中の変貌3/室内協奏曲》など。

Born in 1955, Satoshi Minami graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts with a Masters degree. Now he teaches at Hokkaido University of Education in Iwamizawa. Two portrait CDs of his music have been released: Zigzag Bach in 2003, and Spiegel Spiel in 2010. His works include Annotation of TATOEREBA… (1986/88) for orchestra with harp solo, Coloration Project V (1990) for orchestra, "Le Rossgnol made in Japan" (1994) for chamber ensemble, The Lodgment an Objection (2003/10) for 2 pianos and orchestra, Hiru VI Dansho (2008) for 20-string koto duo, and Metamorphosis in the Bird cage 3 (2008), a concerto for chamber orchestra.

For more detailed note/bio, please go to http://hibari-charity.tumblr.com




Every year I hear a great deal of sad news. It always makes me feel sad and gives me a pang of emotion when I realize how weak we are. Into this piece I have put my hope for the people who passed away to have their blessed and beautiful lives in heaven. It can be seen as a "beautiful elegy".


HU Yinyue


HU Yinyue is currently an associate professor at the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing. He studied at Toho Gakuen School of Music and Tokyo Gakugei University, and then gained a doctoral degree from the Tokyo University of the Arts.
In 2000 he received the Theatre Art Creation special prize from the Agency for Cultural Affairs and was awarded the first prize in the National Theatre's Musical Composition Contest. In 2004 he was a finalist at the Music Competition of Japan for his orchestra work. In 2009 he received a second prize (no first prize was awarded) at the TMSK China National Chamber Composition Competition.

For more detailed note/bio, please go to http://hibari-charity.tumblr.com